Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jessica and Dallas

I took a break from the boudoir biz yesterday and had the absolute pleasure of being part of Jessica and Dallas's lovely wedding. This was a really fun day as Jess was a very relaxed bride and that seemed to (eventually) rub off on everyone involved. The wedding was held in beautiful Saxe Point Park and it was an amazing sunny September day. Highlights for me definitely focused around Jessica's beautiful niece Ava wearing a beautiful pink flower girl dress with wings, who spent most of the ceremony sprinkling roses on another baby's head. Throughout the reception the theme was consistent that Jessica and Dallas have an amazing connection and a language all their own. They get each other. They're always laughing and joking but you don't have to look very closely to see how much they care about each other. It comes out in Jessica thanking Dallas for coming back for a few extra wedding photos even after standing around in the sun for hours or in Dallas not smashing the cake into Jessica's face after she quietly pleaded with him not to. Jess and Dallas, thanks so much for sharing your day with me. I had an amazing time and I hope you love the photos. I was so excited to work on them I was up most of the night! But enough with the words-- here are my faves so far...










Smiley Eyes Photography said...

Great wedding shots !!

Jen said...

Love 'em, KWest. And what a beautiful couple. Please ensure that the 5th of Never is open for you to shoot my wedding.