Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ok we get it... are Angelina Jolie Ava! You don't have to labour the point by looking so freaking hot!

The photoshoot got started a bit late as Ava was babysitting her adorable nephew. We got out to the beach at about 8 when the light was absolutely golden but we only had it for a short time. Walking around the beach with Ava, her beautiful hair and makeup, a button-up shirt and sweats was too funny. We would approach groups of guys who would be talking loudly and stop in the middle of their sentences as they saw us and then try to casually continue what they were saying after we had passed.

Once the light disappeared on us we needed to look for an indoor location so Ava decided to call one of the seniors she works with because she thought her attic would work well as a backdrop. The funniest part of this was that although this woman is generally lucid (Ava just sees her for companionship, to take her for walks etc.) she somehow misunderstood and thought Ava was moving and while we were doing the photoshoot she kept asking Ava "Do you need more sheets or blankets?" and "You can take down these pictures and bring in your own if you want." She also cleaned out a whole closet so Ava would have room for hanging her clothes. I didn't have any background on this so I was sort of under the impression that Ava might be doing overnights there but when we left Ava said she doesn't ever stay over so she isn't sure where that came from. It was so cute. This woman was just such a sweetheart. Alright, so back to Ava...she is such a beautiful woman inside and out and someone I've had the pleasure of becoming much better friends with over the past year and we just haven't seen each other less over the past few months so it was just great to hang out with her. Alright, enough of my jabbering...I know what y'all came for.

Cherry lips

Blue Skies.


...and on to the indoor set.

The flowers are mocking us.

Feeling pinkish.


There are many more beautiful shots but that's all you get for now. Ava...Ava Ava Ava, you are a true beauty. Because what is on the outside is only amplified by who you are inside. You are intelligent, compassionate and strong and sometimes it just doesn't seem fair that you also get to be so hot on top of it all! You embody pin-up glamour in these photos and I hope you are as happy with these photos as I am!


Smiley Eyes Photography said...

She is a total natural !! You captured her wonderfully!!

matthew christopher davidson said...

I wish I was a pinup model so you could write nice things about me.